English in Agreement Blades

English in Agreement Blades: A Guide to Proper Grammar in Business Communication

In the world of business communication, proper grammar is crucial for conveying your message effectively. It not only reflects your professionalism but also creates a positive impression on your clients and customers. One of the most commonly misused grammatical elements in business communication is the use of agreement blades, also known as subject-verb agreement. In this article, we will discuss the importance of using proper agreement blades in English.

What are Agreement Blades?

Agreement blades refer to the relationship between a subject and its verb in a sentence. In simple terms, it states that the verb used should agree with the subject in terms of its singular or plural form. For instance, in the sentence “He plays the guitar,” the subject “he” is singular, and the verb “plays” is in the singular form to agree with the subject. In contrast, in the sentence “They play the guitar,” the subject “they” is plural, and the verb “play” is in the plural form to agree with the subject.

Why is Proper Grammar Important in Business Communication?

In business communication, proper grammar is vital for the following reasons:

1. Creates a Positive Image: Proper grammar reflects your professionalism and attention to detail, which creates a positive image of your business.

2. Enhances Clarity: Clear and concise communication is crucial in business to avoid any misunderstandings or confusion. Proper grammar ensures that your message is clear and precise.

3. Builds Confidence: Using proper grammar builds confidence in your clients and customers, which increases their trust in your business.

Common Mistakes in Agreement Blades

Here are some common mistakes that people make in agreement blades:

1. Subject-Verb Disagreement: This occurs when the subject and verb do not agree in terms of their singular or plural form. For example, “He are going to the party.”

2. Incomplete Sentences: Incomplete sentences occur when there is no subject or verb, or the sentence is missing essential components. For example, “Playing in the park.”

3. Compound Subjects: Compound subjects are two or more subjects in a sentence that are joined by `and.` In this case, the subject is plural, and the verb should also be in the plural form. For example, “John and Mary are going to the cinema.”

Tips for Using Proper Agreement Blades

Here are some tips for using proper agreement blades in your business communication:

1. Identify the Subject: Identify the subject of your sentence and determine whether it is singular or plural.

2. Match the Verb: Choose a verb that agrees with the subject in terms of its singular or plural form.

3. Avoid Collective Nouns: Collective nouns refer to a group of people or things but are considered singular. For example, “The team is playing well,” not “The team are playing well.”

4. Watch Out for Compound Subjects: When using compound subjects, ensure that the verb agrees with the plural form of the subject. For example, “The cat and the dog are sleeping.”


Proper grammar is crucial in business communication, and agreement blades play a vital role in conveying your message effectively. The tips mentioned above will help you use proper agreement blades in your business communication and avoid common mistakes. Remember, using proper grammar enhances your credibility, builds trust, and creates a positive image of your business.